
Vimmy Brewery Original
Vimy Brewery Original
Vimmy Brewery Enhanced
Vimy Brewery Enhanced
Sennheiser Headphones Advertisement
android media box remote
Android TV Media Box
android media box specs
Android TV Media Box Kit
Android TV Media Box
Android TV Media Box side
3D Turntable
Photoshop Masking Original
Photoshop Masking Original
Photoshop Masking – Masked
Photoshop Masking – Masked


Here is photography I took with a manual Cannon S90 camera of an Android TV Media Box. I also enhanced photography taken of Vimmy Brewery Beer in Photoshop using colour correction and contrast adjustments to bring out the life in the photograph. The Sennheiser headphones were photographed at home to create a printed ad as part of a Graphic Design project at Algonquin College. The turntable was created in 3D in Cinema 4D for a high end audio store called Distinctive Audio. The photo at the bottom of this page conveys my ability to mask an image in Photoshop using alpha masks and levels, so that all the hair can be placed on a different background.